The success of a wedding day is not directly linked to its price tag. The success of the marriage can be if you begin it with lots of wedding debt. Or if you disagree on what is an appropriate budget. Managing costs associated with a big wedding can be a full time job in itself!
For some a tiny wedding is a way to keep costs down. For others it’s a way to redistribute them. Some couples choose to treat a handful of special friends to a five-star dinner rather than serve a buffet to 200. Or to spoil a few close family members to a weekend away which includes their tiny wedding and hours of togetherness to celebrate it. Have a squizz at this useful article about managing costs for a South African wedding.
Couples who still wish to go all out with their guest list may find that it is somewhat out of their hands. Venues are under pressure to make up dates from 2020 covid related cancellations and already have commitments to couples who’d already booked for 2021. So large weddings may have to be held on non traditional days like Thursdays or Sundays. This will inevitably change the dynamic as not all guests are keen or able to take time off work, especially if they need to travel to attend. You may choose to ‘stick it out’ and continue with your plans for a big wedding. Or to re-think and dive into the multiple advantages of a tiny one. Either way, now is the time to lean into your partner and begin building the foundation for the marriage that is to follow.